Just like your fingerprints, no two smiles are exactly alike in their shape and appearance. We generally think of teeth as being white however, tooth enamel has many shades. Teeth may appear bright white, bluish-gray or yellow-white and may look dingy.
Teeth can become discolored for many reasons. Genetics play a role in tooth color and how quickly tooth enamel discolors. Some of this discoloration occurs naturally with age. Trauma to the teeth, illness, medications, and exposure to certain foods, beverages, and tobacco can cause staining of the teeth. These stains may appear as a variety of colors.
If your teeth are discolored, whitening may be able to help. Whitening products may be administered in our office or sent home with you. All the whitening products we use contain peroxide that help remove deep and surface stains. By contrast, over the counter whitening toothpastes only help to remove surface stains.
In-Office Teeth Whitening with Zoom! Whitening
In-office whitening is done in our office. We utilize Philips Zoom! Whitening for the fastest, most effective teeth whitening. While home-use whitening products are intended for use over a two-to-four week period, our in-office whitening procedure is usually completed in about one hour. To help protect your mouth, a protective gel is spread over your gum tissues. We then paint the whitening gel directly onto your teeth and utilize the patented Zoom light to activate the gel. After about 15 minutes, the gel is removed. This process of painting, light application, and removing is repeated multiple times. We also provide custom trays to you for touch up applications at home. In-office whitening is best when you are in a hurry and want your teeth whiter now!
In-Home Teeth Whitening
With in-home whitening, we will make you special trays for both your upper and lower teeth. First we will take impression of your teeth and then utilize those impressions to make a model of your mouth. From this model, we fabricate custom trays to perfectly fit your teeth. We will send you home with whitening gel. You will place a small amount of gel as directed in your trays and wear them for up to 30 minutes twice a day for two weeks. The in-home whitening option provides you the flexibility to whitening on your schedule and gives you custom trays that can later be used for touchups.
Special Considerations
The most common side effects of whitening are tooth sensitivity (due to the peroxide agent) and occasional irritation of the soft tissues in the mouth. For a few days following treatment, your teeth may be hot/cold sensitive and your gums may experience mild irritation. Be aware that newly whitening teeth may more readily absorb stains. Try to avoid stain-causing beverages (like coffee, tea, and red wine) for at least several days after the procedure.
Some individuals with certain dental conditions may not be good candidates for whitening. Those with gum recession and exposed, sensitive root surfaces may find that whitening ingredients further irritate their teeth. A thorough oral examination will need to be done to determine if tooth whitening is appropriate for you.