When the biting surface of a tooth needs a restoration an excellent choice is often a porcelain inlay or onlay. Inlays and onlays are called "indirect restorations" because they are fabricated outside of the tooth and then placed on the tooth in a separate step.
Choosing Between Inlays and Onlays
We'll choose between an inlay and onlay based on how much of your natural tooth structure has been lost. An inlay fits within the grooves of the tooth's biting surface (like a filling), while an onlay also covers one or more cusps of the tooth. Both kinds of restorations are precision-crafted utilizing our onsite Cerec milling unit, so that you can get your inlay or onlay in only one appointment.
Placing a Porcelain Inlay or Onlay
During the procedure for restoring a tooth with an inlay or onlay, Dr. Julie Pruneski will numb the area to make you comfortable. Using a handpiece, we will remove any decay and shape the tooth, so it will securely hold the restoration. Next we will take a digital impression of your tooth. Our Cerec milling unit will use this impression to make a custom-fitted inlay or onlay that precisely fits your tooth and bite. Once the milling unit has created your restoration, we will check the fit, adjust where necessary, and bond or cement the porcelain inlay or onlay in place.
Benefits of Porcelain Inlays or Onlays
A porcelain restoration has several benefits. Like all restorations, it protects your tooth. But in addition, a porcelain inlay or onlay is much stronger and more durable than a conventional filling. Many patients choose a porcelain inlay or onlay because they wear well and look great.
Call our office in Lorain, OH at 440-282-2023 if you have any questions about Porcelain Inlays or Onlays, or if you would like to reserve an appointment at our office.